HS Daily Work

Monday April 11:

Due this week:
  • Formal presentations this week
  • student choice project #2 sent to experts by the end of the day Wednesday 4/13 

Today's agenda:

  • Task #1: Blog post- Post your daily goals for project work.
  • Task #2: Practice your presentation and get feedback from Kelly
  • Task #3:
    • Work on your current project that is due 4/15.
  • Task #4: End of day blog entry: What are your next steps (i.e. where will you start on Wednesday)? Did you achieve your goals today? why or why not? Give yourself a rating from 1(low)-5(high) in terms of how you worked today and explain your answer.

Wednesday April 6:

Due this week:
  • Final draft literary analysis Friday April 8th

Today's agenda:
  • Formal check ins with Amy today to go over your project presentation for student choice project #1
  • Task #1: Blog post- Post your daily goals for project work.
  • Task #2: Work on revising your first student choice project based your expert feedback
  • Task #3: 
  • Plan your presentation for student choice project #1 
  • Work on your current project that is due 4/15. 
  • Task #4: End of day blog entry: What are your next steps (i.e. where will you start on Wednesday)? Did you achieve your goals today? why or why not? Give yourself a rating from 1(low)-5(high) in terms of how you worked today and explain your answer.

Monday April 4:

Due this week:
  • Final draft literary analysis Friday April 8th

Today's agenda:
  • Groups will meet with Amy and Randy today to clearly define roles and responsibilities of each member and to discuss what it means to collaborate.
  • Task #1: Blog post- Post your daily goals for project work.
  • Task #2: Work on revising your first student choice project based your expert feedback
  • Task #3: 
  • Plan your presentation for student choice project #1 
  • Work on your current project that is due 4/15. 
  • Task #4: End of day blog entry: What are your next steps (i.e. where will you start on Wednesday)? Did you achieve your goals today? why or why not? Give yourself a rating from 1(low)-5(high) in terms of how you worked today and explain your answer.

Due this week:
  • Project planning form by Wednesday 3/30/11
  • Literary Analysis Rough Draft is overdue-Final paper due Friday April 8th 
Today's agenda:
  • Groups will meet with Amy and Randy today to clearly define roles and responsibilities of each member and to discuss what it means to collaborate.
  • Task #1: Blog post- Post your daily goals for project work.
  • Task #2: If you have not completed your project planning form and been signed off by a facilitator this is your first priority today.
  • Task #3:
    • If you complete your project planning form meet with Amy for a formal check in.
    • If you have received expert feedback on student choice project number one start revising your project based on the expert's feedback.  
    • Work on your current project that is due 4/15. 
  •  Task #4: End of day blog entry: What are your next steps (i.e. where will you start on Monday)? Did you achieve your goals today? why or why not? Give yourself a rating from 1(low)-5(high) in terms of how you worked today and explain your answer.

 Monday 3/28/11:

Due this week:
  • Project planning form by Wednesday 3/30/11
  • Literary Analysis Rough Draft is overdue-Final paper due Friday April 8th 

Today's agenda:
  • Amy will be sharing a new project rubric with everything first thing in the morning.
  • Task #1: Blog post- brainstorm possible project ideas/essential questions and post these on your blog.
  • Task #2: Choose a topic and start working on your project planning form.
  • Task #3: End of day blog entry: What is your current topic? What is your essential question? What are your next steps (i.e. where will you start on Wednesday)?
  • Possible additional Tasks:
    • If you complete your project planning form meet with Amy for a formal check in.
    • If you have receives expert feedback on project number one start revising your project based on the expert's feedback.  

Monday 3/21 and Wednesday 3/23:
Due this week:
  • HS literary Analysis #3 posted to blog 3/21 Visit http://ohlanguagearts.pbworks.com/w/page/31350641/Literary-Responses to see a frame for your literary reflection
  • Rough draft of your literary analysis due Friday-Visit http://ohlanguagearts.pbworks.com/w/page/31167841/Literary-Analysis-Paper for guidelines on writing the paper and prompts.
  • HS Project formal check in by 3/25 (project needs to be finished and ready to sent to your experts. This check in happens before you send your project to your experts)
2 PBL work days left until you need to have your project ready to send to your experts!!!

PBL work day:
  • PBL blog post #1:
    • What are your goals for today?
    • What is your plan for getting today’s work done?
  • Use your time wisely today to work on your project. You have two days left to work during OH hours to get it done.
  • Blog post # 2-End of day reflection:
    • Rate yourself using the shared document "PBL Work Habits." Look at each level and be honest about whether you met expectations, exceeded expectations or did not meet expectations. Please post this information on your blog.
    • Also answer these questions in your end of the day refection blog: Did I achieve my goals today? Do I need to finish anything at home before Wednesday? What are my next steps?

Wednesday 3/16:

Due this week:

  • MS final standards paper due 3/17
  • HS literary Analysis #2 posted to blog 3/18
    • Literary analysis response frame-Summary Response:
  • Setting
    • Setting (time period and location) with specific details
  • Main characters
    • Main characters and descriptions and details
  • Conflict (problem) and conflict resolution (how problem is solved)
    • Conflict and conflict resolution using examples and descriptions from the book
  • Use specific details, insights, or examples
    • Specific details, and examples make sense and help the reader understand the story.
3 PBL work days left until you need to have your project ready to send to your experts!!!

PBL work day:
  • PBL blog post #1:
    • What are your goals for today?
    • What is your plan for getting today’s work done?
  • Use your time wisely today to work on your project. You have three days left to work during OH hours to get it done.

  • Blog post # 2-End of day reflection:
    • Rate yourself using the shared document "PBL Work Habits." Look at each level and be honest about whether you met expectations, exceeded expectations or did not meet expectations. Please post this information on your blog AND send it in an email to Amy and Randy.

    • Also answer these questions in your end of the day refection blog: Did I achieve my goals today? Do I need to finish anything at home before Wednesday? What are my next steps?

 Monday 3/14:

Due this week:

  • MS final standards paper due 3/17
  • HS literary Analysis #2 posted to blog 3/18
    • Literary analysis response frame-Summary Response:
  • Setting
    • Setting (time period and location) with specific details
  • Main characters
    • Main characters and descriptions and details
  • Conflict (problem) and conflict resolution (how problem is solved)
    • Conflict and conflict resolution using examples and descriptions from the book
  • Use specific details, insights, or examples
    • Specific details, and examples make sense and help the reader understand the story.

4 PBL work days left until you need to have your project ready to send to your experts!!!

PBL work day:
  • PBL blog post:
    • What are your goals for today?
    • What is your plan for getting today’s work done?
  • Use your time wisely today to work on your project. You only have four days total to work during Oh hours to get it done.

  • End of day reflection:
    • Did I achieve my goals today? Do I need to finish anything at home before Wednesday? What are my next steps?

 Tuesday ⅜ or Wednesday 3/9

Wednesday: Final copy of your standards paper HS, RD standard paper MS.
By Wednesday: Project Planning form approved by facilitator.

HS Friday: Literary response #1 (Introductory Response) Framework:
  • Introduction Response(blog entry needs to include):
  • Title and author
    • Title and author worked in naturally.
  • Genre
    • Genre of the book is described
  • Main idea/theme
    • Main Idea of the book is stated in a way that the reader understands the basics of the book in a few sentences (super short summary).
    • The theme of the book is clearly written

Due today: Project planning form

Today's work:
  • PBL Blog post:
    • Post your daily goals for PBL work first thing this morning.
  • Look over PBL work habits rubric this will be used each day to assess your progress.

  • Finish and submit project planning form.

  • End of day blog post:
    • Post your finished project planning form.
    • Rate yourself using the PBL work habits rubric

Due this week:
Monday: The name of the book that you have selected needs to be sent to Amy (skype, email, text whatever works!)
Wednesday: Final copy of your standards paper
By Wednesday: Project Planning form approved by facilitator.

Friday: Literary response #1 (Introductory Response) Framework:
  • Introduction Response(blog entry needs to include):
  • Title and author
    • Title and author worked in naturally.
  • Genre
    • Genre of the book is described
  • Main idea/theme
    • Main Idea of the book is stated in a way that the reader understands the basics of the book in a few sentences (super short summary).
    • The theme of the book is clearly written. 
Monday 3/7/11:

Due today: Please send the title and author of the book that you have selected for your literary analysis to Amy(skype, email text whatever works!)

Today's work:
  • OHpedia final project reflection posted to your PBL blog -do this reflection first thing this morning:
    • How was the OHpedia project important to you?
    • How did your expectations of what you could do as a learner change throughout this project?
    • In what ways did you become more persistent or tolerant throughout the process?
    • What satisfied you most about this project?
    • What things about this project really matched your style of learning?
    • What will you always remember about this project?
  • PBL Blog post: 
    • Post your daily goals for PBL work first thing this morning.
    • Brainstorm ideas for your next project and list them on your blog. 
  • Share with your peers via skype or in person your project ideas.
  • Meet with a facilitator to go over the project planning form.
  • Work on project planning form.
  • End of day blog post:
    • What are some of your possible project ideas?
    • How do you feel about getting started on this next project?
    • Did you achieve your goals today? why or why not?

 Monday 2/28/11:

OHpedia Project final week!!!

Hi Everyone!

This week is our wrap up of our OHpedia projects. You need to complete all of your standards lessons no later than Sunday 3/6/11. Please use your PBL time wisely this week to get your classmate's lesson done

Here are your tasks for today:

1. Present your lesson to your classmates at your assigned time this morning.

2. Rosemary Beach Students participate in our guest speaker's mini inquiry on "What is Creativity?" at 10:45am.

3. Work on your classmates' OHpedia lesson plans.

4. End of day reflection: List number of lessons that you completed. List number of lessons that you still need to complete. How are you feeling about your progress in terms of getting things done?

 Friday 2/18/11:

OHpedia project is due today and your literary analysis paper is due today!!!

1. Post daily goals on your PBL blog
2.Work on your goals
3. Please fill out project feedback form located in your email.

4. End of day longer reflection (like an essay): What will you always remember about the process of creating your OHpedia project?

5. Finished with your project? Use the rest of the work time today as FLVS work time.Yes, "we hear you" and know that you need some more FLVS time. 

Thank you all for your hard work on this project, you make us love our jobs!

Wednesday Feb. 16:

OHpedia project is due this Friday!!! 

Reminder: Literary analysis papers are due this Friday

1. Post daily goals on your PBL blog

2.Work on your goals
3.End of day reflection: What work will I need to do at home this week to have my entire project finished by Friday? How am I feeling about he process at this point?

Monday 2/14/11: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!

OHpedia project is due this Friday!!! 

Reminder: Literary analysis papers are due this Friday 

1. BEFORE starting your work: 
  • check in with Randy:Cale and Leah, Mason, Chase and Joanna, Hunter and Nathan, Davis
  • check in with Amy:Taylor and Mira, Alex and Connor, McKenzie and Kylie, Alyssa, Mitchell, Hannah
 2. Post daily goals on your PBL blog
 3. Work on your goals
 4. End of day reflection: What work will I need to do at home this week to have my entire project finished by Friday? How am I feeling about he process at this point?

Friday 2/11:

Reminder Literary Analysis final copy due Friday 2/18!!!

1. PBL blog post your daily goals

2. Work on OHpedia and/or Lesson plan(depends on where you are in the process)..Check in with facilitators as needed.

3. End of day reflection: How am I feeling about project work at this point? Am I working to te best of my ability? Do I feel like I am learning? Explain your answers.
 "Most people can throw a frisbee. With five minutes training anyone can play Ultimate"
Tony Bomber
Wednesday 2/9/11:

1.  Go to your PBL blog and post your daily goals after you read through the steps on this blog.

3. Check in with Amy or Randy on where you are in your project work.

4. Work on these things (what you are working on depends on what you have accomplished so far):
  • Finish OHpedia and send to an expert-this is a priority
  • Do your lesson plan form and send to both Randy and Amy
  • Check in with Randy and Amy on your project lesson plan to get feedback and the "ok" to go ahead and start working on creating your lesson
  • Work on correcting your OHpedia entry based on expert feedback
  • Work on creating your lesson plan
5. End of the day Blog Entry:
  • Did you achieve your daily goals? Why or why not?
  • Are you on pace? If not what do you need to do before Wednesday to be back on pace?
  • What are your next steps?

"This is the team and we are going to the moon, 
if you can't put somebody up don't put them down!

Monday 2/7/11:

1. Go to shared google doc labeled "team building 2/7/11" and answer all 13 questions. Please follow the directions on the document.

2.  Go to your PBL blog and post your daily goals after you read through the steps on this blog.

3. Check in with Amy on where you are in your project work.

4. Work on these things (what you are working on depends on what you have accomplished so far):
  • Finish OHpedia and send to an expert and Mr. Huber-this is a priority
  • Do your lesson plan form and send to both Randy and Amy
  • Check in with Randy and Amy on your project lesson plan to get feedback and the "ok" to go ahead and start working on creating your lesson
  • Work on correcting your OHpedia entry based on expert feedback
  • Work on creating your lesson plan
5. End of the day Blog Entry:
  • Did you achieve your daily goals? Why or why not?
  • Are you on pace? If not what do you need to do before Wednesday to be back on pace?
  • What are your next steps?

Friday 2/4/11:

PBL tasks(same as Wednesday):

1. Blog: Please write down you daily goals.

2. OHpedia work: Please finish the OHpedia portion of your project and contact Amy and Randy when it is done. Please contact Amy and Randy before sending it to an expert for review.

3. Lesson plan template: Please work on your lesson plan to teach your standard using the template provided via email sent to you on Sunday (1/30). Send lesson plan to Amy and Randy when complete.

4. Blog: On you blog please post two things. One, did you achieve your daily goals and two, what are your next steps in terms of what you need to work on for your project. 

*If you have completed all of these things then you are finished with your PBL work this week. Thank you for all of your hard work! Wednesday 2/2/11:

"Whether You Think You Can or Can't, You're Right"

-Henry Ford

Reminder: If you have not already contact Amy and Randy to send your OHpedia project to an expert please do so today.

PBL tasks:

1. Blog: Please write down you daily goals.

2. OHpedia work: Please finish the OHpedia portion of your project and contact Amy and Randy when it is done. Please contact Amy and randy before sending it to an expert for review.

3. Lesson plan template: Please work on your lesson plan to teach your standard using the template provided via email sent to you on Sunday (1/30). Send lesson plan to Amy and Randy when complete.

4. Blog: On you blog please post two things. One, did you achieve your daily goals and two, what are your next steps in terms of what you need to work on for your project. 

*If you have completed all of these things then you are finished with your PBL work this week. Thank you for all of your hard work! 

Monday 1/31/11:
"Just Do It!"

PBL Tasks: 

  • Write a paragraph about how you are feeling in the process at this point? Think about things like do you feel successful? Is collaborating with your partner going well? Are you on pace?
  •  Write your daily goals
 *Finish OHpedia section today if you have not done so already (if you are done skip this step):
  • Finish your benchmarks
  • Contact a facilitator to do a check in (please do not send work to an expert before you check in)-best way to contact is text today we are on the road heading to Gainesville.
*Work with your partner to form a plan for how to build an online lesson for your standard. 
  • Copy and paste the template emailed to you by Amy on a shared google doc.
  • The lesson must include a way to teach all the benchmarks virtually and a way to assess the learning (quiz, writing etc.). 
  • When you feel that your plan is complete share your google doc with both facilitators and Text facilitators to let them know that you are waiting for a check in with your plan.
  • Did you accomplish your goals today? Why or why not?
  • Were you able to receive support from the facilitators?
  • What lingering questions and issues are you having?

Friday 1/28/11 

PBL tasks:
"Do or do not....there is no try."

Please complete these tasks in order starting with number one:

  High School:

Reminder the Seaside Rep comes at 2:00pm today! 
Schedule your work to include this class every Friday. 
    1. On your professional blog:
  • Post an entry titled "Daily Goals"
  • First, blog what you hope to accomplish today. Hint: Everyone should be getting done and ready to send your work to an expert.

    2. Continue to work on your OHpedia entries while referencing the OHpedia rubric to make  sure you are meeting expectations. If you finish your entries look over all of them to see if you can make any stronger and bump into the "exceeds expectations" category of the project rubric.

    3. When you are done make sure all of your benchmarks are posted and find a facilitator to clear you to send a link to your page to your experts and Mr. Huber.

    4. Once you have sent your work to an expert for review please check in with a facilitator for next steps. It is time to start planning you online lesson!

    5. End of the day on your professional blog:
  • Title: Daily Goals Reflection
  • Write about:
    • Did you achieve all of your goals today?
    • What did you learn about yourself as a learner today? 
   6. Email as an attachment Ms. Amy a copy of your first draft of your literary analysis paper.

Wednesday 1/26/11 PBL tasks:
"Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."

Please complete these tasks in order starting with number one:

High School:
Reminders: First draft of your literary analysis paper is due this Friday.
    1. On your professional blog:
  • Post an entry titled "Daily Goals"
  • First, blog what you hope to accomplish today. Hint: lots of you should be getting done and ready to send your work to an expert.
  • Second, take a minute to think abut who this OHpedia information might be useful to. Think about who might need to access it and how they might use it. Write at least a paragraph about this topic.

    3. Continue to work on your OHpedia entries while referencing the OHpedia rubric to make  sure you are meeting expectations. If you finish your entries look over all of them to see if you can make any stronger and bump into the "exceeds expectations" category of the project rubric.

    4. There will be mini check ins with all groups this morning with Amy (Telluride crew have your skype on please)

    5. End of the day on your professional blog:
  • Title: Daily Goals Reflection
  • Write about:
    • Did you achieve all of your goals today?
    • What did you learn about yourself as a learner today? 
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
Dr. Suess

Monday 1/24/11 PBL tasks:

Please complete these tasks in order starting with number one:

High School:
Reminders: First draft of your literary analysis paper is due this Friday.